
Monday, September 20, 2021

come to my planet

Hi my name is Jeff.  Come to Planet L you can get moon snacks.  They are really yum.  And you can jump high.
You can go on a L rollercoaster.  And a big water slide.  That  does a loop the loop.   Please come.

planet L is really  fun.  You can get cakes thay are Yum.

That is why you should come to planet L.

Monday, September 13, 2021

My name my favorite color my favorite food

My name is Luca.  I like the color green & red.  My favorite food is cookies.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Dusty The Mouse

 Dusty The Mouse

Dusty the mouse is very very dirty, and he can eve talk but the other mice, Dustys friends cant talk.  Dusty is super fast, he goes 1000000000000000000000000000000000000km/h Dusty can jump really high too, he cant jump 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000meters high.  Dusty lives in a trash can and hates being washed, he likes eating rotting flesh from the trash can.  He practices his running and jumping every day, he said to me, im his owner, that i can fun so fast and jump really high because i didn't know he could run fast and jump high, then Dusty showed me how fast he was.

One day Dusty took me for an adventure.  We went to the city to watch a magic show.  At the show they watched the magicians juggle ipads and setting off fire works.  2 hours later the magic show finished, he took me back home, on the way home we stopped for an ice cream, i had lemonade flavour ice cream and Dusty had the dirty dust flavoured ice cream, they were delicious.  We sat down at the ice cream shop to eat out ice creams.  Then on our way back home we saw a dungeon and we walked into the dungeon, it was dark and we didn't see the big hole we fell into the hole, it was a big scary cave.  We slid into a room where there were lots of diamonds and crystals.  Then the cave shook, we ran out of the cave as fast as we could, run out of the dungeon and ran all the way back home.  We got some diamonds to keep and sell them for lots of money.  Dusty jumped back into his trash can with his diamonds to rest and i want into me bed.

The End

The Moon Experiment

 The Moon Experiment

Small rock dropped and made a small crater and small rays
Big rock dropped and made a larger crater a larger rays

Me dropping the big rock from up high